ESS Learning Specialists
ESS Learning Specialists at LCCC provide students with important academic skills support. They provide individual learning assistance on specific learning and college success strategies. The services are free and available to all currently enrolled LCCC students. The Learning Specialists tailor the support they offer according to each individual student and their situation. They can provide one-on-one sessions with students in different formats, including face-to-face, via Zoom, GoogleMeet, or over the phone, although one format may be required over another based on specific situations.
Learning Specialists often help students with
- Developing college-level study skills
- Content retention
- Test anxiety strategies
- Test-taking techniques
- Time management
- Organization
- Goal setting
- Project management
- Learning strategies and styles
- Reading strategies
- Work/life/college balance
- And more!
Learning Specialists can also
- Conduct various study skills sessions and workshops throughout each semester on a variety of topics
- Assist students in standardized test preparation
- Facilitate study groups
- Provide ongoing support and mentorship
- Refer students to key individuals and services that can provide additional support
- Work cooperatively with faculty, administrators, and staff to support student learning
- Work in collaboration with other services at LCCC to promote student success, retention, and completion
Learning Specialists are part of Educational Support Services, located in Science Hall, Room 150, and can be contacted by emailing or calling 610-799-1156.