Exercise Science A.S. (EXSS)
What is an Associate Degree in Exercise Science?
This program prepares students to transfer to a baccalaureate degree program in Exercise Science, Adult Health, Exercise Physiology, Kinesiology, and similar curricula in Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. The curriculum includes general education requirements, a basic science and math foundation and a broad base in discipline-related courses such as exercise physiology, nutrition, and exercise measurement and prescription.
The program prepares students to sit for nationally accredited exams in the field of exercise science from the following agencies:
- American College of Sports Medicine
- National Strength and Conditioning Association
Exercise Science Courses
Your exercise science courses will prepare you for success in either a future career or when pursuing a four-year degree. In this program, you’ll take classes like:
- Introduction to Exercise Science
- Exercise Measurement & Prescription
- Sport History and Philosophy
- Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
- Sport Nutrition
Bachelor’s Transfer Schools
Pennsylvania offers statewide program-to-program articulation. This allows students who graduate with specific associate degrees to transfer as juniors into a bachelor’s degree program in a similar field of study at a participating four-year college. Learn more about transferring to a four-year school.
Your A.A.S. in Exercise Science prepares you to transfer to the following four-year colleges or universities:
Program Coordinator