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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Physics with Vernier Lab Manual Experiments

+ Physics with Vernier Lab Manual Experiments + ‘
1 Graph Matching Go Direct® Motion Detector
2 Back and Forth Motion Go Direct® Motion Detector, Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart, Springs Set
3 Cart on a Ramp Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
4 Determining g on an Incline Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
5 Picket Fence Free Fall Go Direct® Photogate, Picket Fence
6 Ball Toss Go Direct® Motion Detector
7 Bungee Jump Accelerations Go Direct® Acceleration Sensor
8A Projectile Motion (Photogates) Go Direct® Photogate
8B Projectile Motion (Projectile Launcher) Go Direct® Projectile Launcher, Projectile Stop, Time of Flight Pad, Independence of Motion Accessory
9 Newton’s Second Law Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
10 Atwood’s Machine Go Direct® Photogate, Ultra Pulley Attachment
11 Newton’s Third Law Go Direct® Force and Acceleration Sensor
12 Static and Kinetic Friction Go Direct® Force and Acceleration Sensor, Go Direct® Motion Detector
13 Air Resistance Go Direct® Motion Detector
14 Pendulum Periods Go Direct® Photogate
15 Simple Harmonic Motion Go Direct® Motion Detector, Springs Set
16 Energy of a Tossed Ball Go Direct® Motion Detector
17 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion Go Direct® Motion Detector, Springs Set
18 Momentum, Energy and Collisions Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
19 Impulse and Momentum Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
20 Centripetal Accelerations on a Turntable Go Direct® Acceleration Sensor
21 Accelerations in the Real World Go Direct® Acceleration Sensor
22 Ohm’s Law Go Direct® Current Probe, Go Direct® Voltage Probe, Extech Digital DC Power Supply, Vernier Circuit Board 2
23 Series and Parallel Circuits Go Direct® Current Probe, Go Direct® Voltage Probe, Extech Digital DC Power Supply, Vernier Circuit Board 2
24 Capacitors Go Direct® Voltage Probe, Vernier Circuit Board 2
25 The Magnetic Field in a Coil Go Direct® 3-Axis Magnetic Field Sensor, Extech Digital DC Power Supply
26 The Magnetic Field in a Slinky Go Direct® 3-Axis Magnetic Field Sensor, Extech Digital DC Power Supply
27 Electrical Energy Go Direct® Current Probe, Go Direct® Voltage Probe, Extech Digital DC Power Supply, Rotary Motion Motor Kit
28A Polarization of Light Go Direct® Light and Color Sensor, Optics Expansion Kit, Polarizer/Analyzer for Optics Expansion Kit, Combination Track/Optics Bench
28B Polarization of Light (Rotary Motion Sensor) Go Direct® Light and Color Sensor, Go Direct® Rotary Motion Sensor, Optics Expansion Kit, Polarizer/Analyzer for Optics Expansion Kit, Dynamics Cart and Track System
29 Light, Brightness and Distance Go Direct® Light and Color Sensor, Optics Expansion Kit, Combination Track/Optics Bench
30 Newton’s Law of Cooling Go Direct® Temperature Probe
31 The Magnetic Field of a Permanent Magnet Go Direct® 3-Axis Magnetic Field Sensor
32 Sound Waves and Beats Go Direct® Sound Sensor
33 Speed of Sound Go Direct® Sound Sensor, Go Direct® Temperature Probe
34 Tones, Vowels and Telephones Go Direct® Sound Sensor
35 Mathematics of Music Go Direct® Sound Sensor


Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Advanced Physics – Mechanics with Vernier Lab Manual Experiments

+ Advanced Physics – Mechanics with Vernier Lab Manual Experiments + ‘
1 Motion on an Incline Motion Detector, Dynamics Cart and Track System
2 Error Analysis Photogate, Picket Fence
3 Newton’s First Law Motion Detector, Bumper and Launcher Kit, Friction Pad, Dynamics Cart and Track System, Photogate
4 Newton’s Second Law Photogate, Dual-Range Force Sensor, Dynamics Cart and Track System, Cart Picket Fence, Ultra Pulley Attachment, Pulley Bracket
5 Newton’s Third Law Dual-Range Force Sensor (2), Dynamics Cart and Track System, Bumper and Launcher Kit
6 Projectile Motion digital camera, meter stick, ball or moving object, Video Analysis App
7 Energy Storage and Transfer: Elastic Energy Dual-Range Force Sensor, Dynamics Cart and Track System, Bumper and Launcher Kit
8 Energy Storage and Transfer: Kinetic Energy Photogate, Dynamics Cart and Track System, Bumper and Launcher Kit, Cart Picket Fence
9 Energy Storage and Transfer: Gravitational Energy Dynamics Cart and Track System, Bumper and Launcher Kit
10A Impulse and Momentum (Motion Detector) Motion Detector, Dual-Range Force Sensor, Dynamics Cart and Track System, Bumper and Launcher Kit
10B Impulse and Momentum (Photogate) Photogate, Dual-Range Force Sensor, Dynamics Cart and Track System, Bumper and Launcher Kit, Cart Picket Fence
11A Momentum and Collisions (Motion Detectors) Motion Detector (2), Dynamics Cart and Track System
11B Momentum and Collisions (Photogates) Photogate (2), Dynamics Cart and Track System, Cart Picket Fence (2)
12A Centripetal Acceleration Photogate, Dual-Range Force Sensor, Centripetal Force Apparatus
12B Centripetal Acceleration Photogate, Dual-Range Force Sensor
13 Rotational Dynamics Rotary Motion Sensor, Rotational Motion Accessory Kit
14 Conservation of Angular Momentum Rotary Motion Sensor, Rotational Motion Accessory Kit
15 Simple Harmonic Motion: Mathematical Model Motion Detector, Springs Set
16 Simple Harmonic Motion: Kinematics and Dynamics Motion Detector, Dual-Range Force Sensor, Springs Set
17 Pendulum Periods Rotary Motion Sensor, Rotational Motion Accessory Kit
18 Physical Pendulum Rotary Motion Sensor, Rotational Motion Accessory Kit
19 Center of Mass Colliding Carts, meter stick, Video Analysis App


Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Advanced Physics – Beyond Mechanics with Vernier Lab Manual Experiments

+ Advanced Physics – Beyond Mechanics with Vernier Lab Manual Experiments + ‘
1 Behavior of a Gas Gas Pressure Sensor, Stainless Steel Temperature Probe
2 Heat Engines Gas Pressure Sensor, Stainless Steel Temperature Probe
3 Standing Waves on a String Power Amplifier, Power Amplifier Accessory Speaker, Ultra Pulley Attachment
4 Standing Waves in a Column of Air Microphone, Stainless Steel Temperature Probe
5 Doppler Effect Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
6 Electrostatics Go Direct® Static Charge, Electrostatics Kit
7 Coulomb’s Law Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
8 Mapping Electric Potential Power Amplifier, Differential Voltage Probe, Instrumentation Amplifier
9 Factors Affecting Electrical Resistance Instrumentation Amplifier, Resistivity Rod Set, Power Amplifier, Current Probe
10 Series and Parallel Circuits Power Amplifier, Differential Voltage Probe, Current Probe, Vernier Circuit Board 2
11 Faraday’s Law: Moving Magnet Instrumentation Amplifier
12 Faraday’s Law: Alternating Current Instrumentation Amplifier, Power Amplifier
13 Capacitors and Inductors Differential Voltage Probe, Current Probe, Vernier Circuit Board 2
14 RLC Circuits Power Amplifier, Differential Voltage Probe, Current Probe, Vernier Circuit Board 2
15 Curved Mirrors and Images Optics Expansion Kit, Mirror Set for Optics Expansion Kit, Combination Track/Optics Bench
16 Thin Lenses and Real Images Optics Expansion Kit, Combination Track/Optics Bench
17 Thin Lenses and Virtual Images Optics Expansion Kit, Combination Track/Optics Bench
18 Aperture and Depth of Field Optics Expansion Kit, Combination Track/Optics Bench
19 Interference Diffraction Apparatus, Combination Track/Optics Bench
20 Diffraction Diffraction Apparatus, Combination Track/Optics Bench
21 Spectrum of Atomic Hydrogen Vernier Emissions Spectrometer, Vernier Emissions Fiber, Spectrum Tubes
22 Planck’s Constant Power Amplifier, Differential Voltage Probe, Current Probe, Vernier Emissions Spectrometer, Vernier Emissions Fiber


Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Physics with Video Analysis

+ Physics with Video Analysis + ‘
1 Rolling Ball Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
2 Big and Small: How to Scale an Image Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
3 Velocity Change Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
4 Velocity and Speed Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
5 Velocity and Acceleration Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
6 Three Movies: Determining Constant Acceleration Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
7 Demon Drop: A Mathematical Modeling Activity Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
8 Jumping on the Moon Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
9 2D Vectors: Pool Ball Displacement, Velocity, and Speed Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
10 Galileo’s Projectile I: Using 17th Century Techniques Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
11 Galileo’s Projectile II: Using Contemporary Techniques Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
12 Projectile Motion Vectors Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
13 Frictional Slowing Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
14 Impulsive Juggling Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
15 Center of Mass Motions Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
16 Finding a Spring Constant Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
17 Net Work – Kinetic Energy Theorem Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
18 Oscillations Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
19 Slinky Wave Speeds Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
20 Superposition of Slinky Waves Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
21 A Wave Pulse Equation Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
22 Doppler Effect: Surface Water Waves Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
23 Doppler Effect: Sound Waves Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
24 A Heat Engine: Relating Work to the P-V Cycle Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
25 Coulomb’s Law for Two Charged Spheres Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
26 Discharge Rate Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
27 Electric Field Due to a Line of Charge Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
28 Resistance and Ohm’s Law Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
29 Parallel Plate Capacitor: Potential Difference vs. Spacing Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
30 Wiring Capacitors in Series and Parallel Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
31 Using RC Decay to Determine Capacitance Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
32 Exploring Faraday’s Law Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3
33 Snell’s Law of Refraction Vernier Video Analysis App or Logger Pro® 3

Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Vernier Video Analysis: Motion and Sports

+ Vernier Video Analysis: Motion + Sports’
01 Constant Velocity Motion Vernier Video Analysis®
02 Accelerated Motion Vernier Video Analysis®
03 Analysis of Running Vernier Video Analysis®
04 Projectile Motion Vernier Video Analysis®
05 Kinetic Friction Vernier Video Analysis®
06 Terminal Velocity Vernier Video Analysis®
07 Refining the Air Drag Model Vernier Video Analysis®
08 Analysis of Running with Resistance Vernier Video Analysis®
09 1-Dimensional Elastic Collisions Vernier Video Analysis®
10 1-Dimensional Inelastic Collisions Vernier Video Analysis®
11 Angular Velocity Vernier Video Analysis®
12 2-Dimensional Collision Vernier Video Analysis®

Vernier Physics Explorations and Projects

Physics Explorations and Projects is a collection of laboratory investigations aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Most included investigations set up a situation for students to explore and analyze with some guidance from the instructor—a guided-inquiry format that is very different from traditional laboratory experiments that provide step-by-step instructions. The activities are editable and appropriate for high school students from 9th grade to AP Physics. Sample results are included with the extensive instructor information.

Due to the nature of these activities, minimal instruction is provided for software use and data analysis. Instructor experience with Vernier sensors and software is recommended.

‘ + Vernier Physics Explorations and Projects + ‘
1 Constant Motion and Changing Motion Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
2 Balanced Forces and Unbalanced Forces Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
3 Gravitation on Earth Go Direct® Photogate, Picket Fence, Go Direct® Force and Acceleration Sensor
4 Newton’s Second Law Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
5 Projectile Challenge Go Direct® Projectile Launcher
6 Impulse and Momentum Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
7 Equilibrium of Forces Fan Cart, Combination Track/Optics Bench, Go Direct® Motion Detector, Ultra Pulley Attachment, Pulley Bracket
8 Circular Motion Go Direct® Centripetal Force Apparatus, Go Direct® Force and Acceleration Sensor
9 Conservation of Momentum Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
10 Egg Protection Challenge Raw egg, Cart and ramp
11 Springs Making Things Move Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
12 Kinetic Energy and Mass Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
13 Work and Kinetic Energy Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
14 Work Done by Gravity Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
15 Energy in Collisions Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Cart
16 Rube Goldberg Machine No probeware used
17 Charge and Charge Models Go Direct® Static Charge
18 Coulomb’s Law Go Direct® Static Charge
19 Measuring Electric Current Go Direct® Current Probe, Vernier Circuit Board 2
20 Conservation of Charge Go Direct® Current Probe, Vernier Circuit Board 2
21 Voltage in a Circuit Differential Voltage Probe
22 Battery Challenge Go Direct® Voltage Probe, Go Direct® Current Probe
23 Magnetic Field of a Current Go Direct® 3-Axis Magnetic Field Sensor, Go Direct® Current Probe
24 Current from a Changing Field Go Direct® 3-Axis Magnetic Field Sensor, Go Direct® Current Probe
25 Generating Electricity Go Direct® Energy Sensor, KidWind simpleGEN
26 Speaker Power Amplifier
27 Wave Speed on a String Power Amplifier, Power Amplifier Accessory Speaker
28 Speed of Sound Microphone
29 Interference and Diffraction Diffraction Apparatus, Combination Track/Optics Bench
30 Sound and Loudness Go Direct® Sound Sensor
31 Wave Communication Challenge Go Direct® Light and Color Sensor
32 Energy Storage in Capacitors Go Direct® Voltage Probe, Go Direct® Current Probe
33 Oscillations Go Direct® Motion Detector
34 Heat as Energy Transfer FLIR ONE Gen 3, Vernier Thermal Analysis® Plus for FLIR ONE™
35 Solar Cells KidWind 2V/400mA Solar Panel, Go Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, Go Direct® Surface Temperature Sensor, Go Direct® Light and Color Sensor
36 Rube Goldberg Machine Revisited Design and document at least five (5) energy transfers / transformations into your Rube Goldberg device using approved materials in the lab


Vernier Sensor Cart PhysicsSensor Cart Physics features 22 guided-inquiry investigations. It provides a stimulating structure to explore introductory through AP-level concepts in kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, forces, and conservation of energy and momentum. The investigations make exclusive use of the Vernier Go Direct® Sensor Cart.

Each investigation utilizes the synced video and data featured in the new subscription-based Vernier Graphical Analysis™ Pro app. The graphical display correlates videos of the events to the data communicated by the Sensor Cart using Bluetooth® wireless technologies. This offers remote learners the opportunity to conduct the investigations without the physical presence of a Sensor Cart. Graphical Analysis Pro data files are offered for students and teachers. The teacher files demonstrate the use of appropriate data analysis tools. The investigations in this book also work with Vernier Graphical Analysis, but the ability to sync videos with data is not available in the free version.

Each of the investigations includes links to internet background information that ties the topics to real-world phenomena. Students are challenged to develop their own experimental procedures. Spreadsheet files are offered to organize data and perform calculations. This set of experiments complements guided-inquiry and Modeling Instruction™ classrooms.

Table of Contents


  1. Exploring Graphical Analysis™
  2. Exploring the Go Direct® Sensor Cart

Part 1: Kinematics

  1. Motion with Constant Velocity: Slow, Slower, Slowest
  2. Motion on an Incline: Rollin’ Down
  3. Motion on an Incline: Coasting Up and Down

Part 2: Newton’s Laws of Motion

  1. Newton’s First Law of Motion: The Law of Inertia
  2. Newton’s Second Law of Motion: F = ma
  3. Newton’s Third Law of Motion: Action—Reaction

Part 3: Forces

  1. Gravitational Field Strength: Fg/m
  2. Inertial and Gravitational Mass: What’s the Difference?
  3. Hooke’s Law: Stretching Rubber Bands
  4. Specific Gravity: Density Without Units
  5. The Force of Friction: The Weight Variable
  6. The Force of Friction: The Surface Area Variable
  7. The Coefficient of Friction 𝜇: Comparing Two Methods
  8. Magnets: Force vs. Separation Distance

Part 4: The Conservation Laws

  1. Impulse and Momentum: Collisions Analyzed
  2. Converting PE to KE: Downhill Racers
  3. Elastic PE: Plunger Spring Energy
  4. Elastic PE to KE: Launch Speed
  5. Kinetic Energy and Momentum: Elastic Collisions
  6. Kinetic Energy and Momentum: Inelastic Collisions
  7. Energy and Momentum: Exploding Carts
  8. The Magical Mystery Bounce: Hidden Phases