You can still register for spring classes.
You can still register for late start spring classes, which begin on Friday, February 28 and Friday, March 28. To get started, follow the registration steps listed below:
See the list of classes you can still enroll in below:
New Students:
• Apply for Admission! Contact the Admissions office at 610-799-1575 or admissions@lccc.edu for more information.
• Depending on the course, you may need to complete the placement test. Next you need to meet with an advisor to register for your class. Send an email to adviseme@lccc.edu with your name, student ID (L#), major, and placement test scores or call 610-799-1124 to schedule an advising appointment.
• Payment is due at the time of registration. If you plan to enroll as a degree-seeking student taking two or more courses, you may be eligible for federal student aid. Apply for FAFSA here.
• If you have any questions about tuition payment options, call our Business Office at 610-799-1157.
Current LCCC Students:
• Go to myLCCC portal using your username and password.
• Click on the Self Service: Student tile, select Student Self Service, then select Registration.
• Click Register for Classes and select the Spring term.
If you have any questions about tuition payment options, call our Business Office at 610-799-1157.