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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Final Grades, Transcripts and Enrollment Verification Requests are accessible through myLCCC.  Your username and password are required.

Grade Level Advancement Policy

After successful completion of 30 or more credits, a student is considered a second year student.

Grading System

  1. A student who officially withdraws from one or all classes through the tenth week of the semester will receive a grade of “W”.
  2. All students not withdrawing officially on or before week 10 shall be assigned a grade of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “F,” “I” (Incomplete), “L” (Listener), “R” (Released), “W,” or “Z” (Not Released) by the instructor. All “W” grades require a date of last attendance.
  3. A student receiving an “I” grade must fulfill the requirements established by the instructor issuing the grade. An “F” grade is assigned if requirements are not met by the deadline.
  4. A student may change from credit to audit or audit to credit only during the first three weeks of class.
  5. Grade appeals must be addressed by the student with the instructor. If the student remains dissatisfied, he or she may file a complaint with the Ombudsman. For further information, please refer to the LCCC Code of Student Conduct.

Incomplete Grade

An “I” grade may be issued only under these general guidelines:

  1. The incomplete work had been assigned in the last 20% of the semester/session.
  2. Work remaining should not require formal assistance from the instructor; for example, the student should be able to fulfill the outstanding obligations on his or her own.

The student is expected to notify his or her instructor prior to the final examination to explain the reason that additional time is needed to complete the course requirements.

An “I” grade must be removed before the end of the ninth week of classes in the next semester or a failing grade will be recorded for the course. An exception will be made if a lab course requires a special set-up.

Report of Grades

Only “D” and “F” grades are reported to students at mid-semester. Students are urged to discuss their academic progress with all instructors and particularly with those instructors from whom they received unsatisfactory grades. Students who receive more than one failing grade are expected to meet with an academic advisor, counselor, or faculty advisor to discuss their academic performance.

The grade report at the end of the semester is assumed correct as posted unless a question is raised within one year of its recording.


Each final grade used in the calculation of the GPA is assigned a quality point value. The numeric value of the grade (A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0) is multiplied by the number of credits for the particular course to obtain the quality points earned in that course.

The sum of the quality points of the courses taken is used to calculate an average. The equation used is as follows:

Total Quality Points = GPA
Total Credits

The final grades used in calculating the GPAs are as follows:

Points per Credit excellent Quality Points per Credit good Quality Points per Credit average Quality Points per Credit passing Quality Points per Credit failing
A = 4 B+ = 3.3 C+ = 2.3 D = 1 F = 0
A- = 3.7 B = 3 C = 2
B- = 2.7 C- = 1.7

Final grades that have no effect on GPA are as follows:
I Incomplete
L Listener (audit)
R Released (pass)
W Withdrawal
Z Not Released


Course Credits x Grade Quality = Total Points
ENG 105 3 x B 3 = 9
HIS 120 3 x C 2 = 6
MAT 105 3 x B 3 = 9
BIO 205 4 x A 4 = 16
ART 101 3 x A 4 = 12
totals 16  









52/16 = 3.25 Grade Point Average (GPA)

A grade followed by an “H” designates an honors course.
A grade followed by an “R” designates academic restart.
A grade followed by a “^” designates a 090- to 099-level course.
Courses numbered 099 do not count toward graduation requirements.

Repeated Course – An “E” or “I” in the Final Column (R) on the transcript indicates a repeated course. “I” means the grade is included in the GPA calculation, and “E” means the grade is excluded in the GPA calculation.

When a student repeats a course, his or her GPA is recalculated based upon his or her latest grade in the course. This procedure does not apply when the grade received is a “W”.

To access your final grades, log in to myLCCC and select “Self Service: Student”. Then choose “Student Self Service” and “View Grades”.