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Lehigh Carbon Community College
Glass Box Gallery Logo

Glass Box Gallery

The Glass Box Gallery hosts monthly exhibits from area artists as well as annual student exhibitions. The gallery provides a multi-faceted interactive space to promote learning, growth, creativity and appreciation of the arts and beyond. The gallery is curated by Assistant Professor of Art, Jeremy Siedt, M.F.A. The Glass Box Gallery is located within the Rothrock Library.

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Current Exhibit: Pattern of Gestural Vibrancy

Artists: Danny Finocchio and Liv Lucas
Dates: March 6 thru March 31

This exhibition explores the work of two artists, Danny Finocchio and Liv Lucas. In an attempt to communicate the emotional landscape of painting through color, gesture and mark making, an interesting occurrence happens. Each artist works with the medium in a unique fashion that highlights movement, pattern, direction, color and most importantly intention. While the work of each artist investigates elements of both representational and non-representational imagery, there is a clear connection between the visual dance explored through energy and the utilization of specific theoretical color execution. An exhibition that travels through compositions with whimsy and honesty, it truly taps into an experience one can relate to through their own creative memories and the nuances of conscious connectivity.

Danny Finocchio artwork
Olivia Lucas artwork

Gallery Hours

Monday – Friday: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Email to schedule a private visit outside of normal operating hours.