College Athlete is Game to Play it Smart

Gabrielle “Gabby” Robb has her head in the game when it comes to smart transitions, meaningful connections and a clear career path.
The Tamaqua High School graduate and full-tuition Morgan Success Scholarship recipient is a three-season athlete, playing soccer, basketball and softball, all while holding a 3.58 GPA.
Robb, a biology and health science major in her sophomore year, says she was born to compete, and her athletic career is just a warm up for her prospective future as a radiologist.
“In my junior year of high school, I tore my ACL playing basketball, and the process of getting an MRI, x-rays and scans was really interesting to me. That’s when I knew I wanted to be a radiologist,” says Robb.
Playbook for Success
Robb knew her playbook for becoming a radiologist would involve several years of schooling, and that starting with Lehigh Carbon Community College not only made good academic and financial sense, but it would keep her playing all of the sports she loves.
“Being part of a team from day one really helped me make the transition from high school to college,” says Robb. “I was so nervous about coming to campus, especially with still living at home. I thought ‘Oh my gosh! I don’t know anyone here!’’
But her fears were soon set aside. Robb and her teammates quickly became solid friends. From practices and gym sessions to cheering on peers, to doggy play dates, ice cream runs and late night campfires, Robb and friends were sharing and enjoying a full college experience.
“We do everything together, and just going to practice to see my teammates gives me something to look forward to every day,” says Robb. “The whole athletic community here at LCCC is very close knit.”
Robb says part of what makes the teams so special at LCCC is how inclusive they are; everyone is encouraged to come out and play. She notes that this sets LCCC apart when it comes to athletics at other institutions.
“We have girls that have played on club teams their whole life, and we have girls that haven’t played a single sport a single day in their life,” says Robb. “And everyone just loves it. Everyone plays a role in making the team a real team.”
Balancing it All
Robb admits she’s long been accustomed to a heavy load of academics and athletics. It’s her norm, but she’d tell anyone weighing college and hoping to play a sport (or two or three), that LCCC is 100% the right choice.
She says, “All of my coaches have always been understanding. If someone has too much homework or other priorities that overlap with practice, they totally get that and they see school as our top priority.”
Balance, for Robb, is quite possibly a fourth sport. In addition to being a student athlete, she is an athletic student worker in Berrier Hall, she is active with the Student Government Association, and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for two-year colleges.
Leading by Example
For Robb, every step on the field or court is another opportunity to not just play, but lead, something her teammates say she does in a quiet and effective way.
“I’m not loud. So if I’m ever a coach, I don’t think I’ll want to yell. But people always tell me I lead by example. I don’t tell people what to do. I just do it and then they can follow,” says Robb.
Next Steps
And when it comes to watching and following what’s next with Robb, you won’t find this fierce and kind leader on the sidelines. This fall, she’s transferring to Thomas Jefferson University to pursue a bachelor’s degree in medical imaging and radiation sciences. After working in the field as an x-ray or MRI technician, she aspires to attend medical school, hoping she can help athletes like herself stay in the game.
“Health science means I’m helping people. I know what it’s like to get hurt while playing sports,” says Robb. “I enjoy helping people, and I really like the idea of helping athletes get back on track with practicing and playing.”