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Lehigh Carbon Community College

55 Years of Family and Giving

LCCC prides itself on creating a family atmosphere for students, and that family culture is represented through the generosity of the many families of LCCC over the past 55 years.

Remembering Founding Trustee Leon S. Peters

Leon Peters served as an LCCC trustee from 1967 to 1972 as a school board member for the Parkland School District, then from 1972 to 1986, representing the Allentown School District. Mr. Peters died Dec. 4, 2021 at the age of 90. We remember the impact he had on establishing the college and his continued role in the community over the decades since.

Family In Focus

As the oldest community college in the Lehigh Valley, Lehigh Carbon Community College has impacted the lives of not just individuals, but entire families. Students become alumni, and their children make the same choice when it comes time to decide on an educational path after high school. For many families, all roads lead to LCCC.

Full Circle at LCCC

Born and raised in Kenya, Caroline Matu-Moli came to the United States in 1998 at the age of 18 with dreams of becoming a social worker. After first living in Kansas, Caroline moved to the Lehigh Valley area in 1999 and began classes at LCCC.

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