From Alumni to Employees

The motto is “Start here. Go anywhere,” but LCCC is proud to have many alumni over the years who have chosen to come back and help further the college’s mission, this time as an employee. From starting their career at LCCC right after graduating, to returning after years in the workforce, these alumni employees from across the college are helping students and future fellow alumni succeed.

Matt Conrad, ’20
Program: A.S. in Computer Information Systems
Current Title: Systems Analyst (Enterprise Applications)
Years Employed: 1.25
Matt Conrad knew LCCC would be a smart starting point for his educational journey. The variety of course offerings piqued his interest, and the Honors Scholars Program allowed him to graduate with almost no cost. “[The program] expanded my intellectual, cultural and social horizons, and set me up to be a lifelong learner,” he says. After transferring to Kutztown University to earn his B.S. in Information Technology, Conrad returned to LCCC as an employee. “I saw working in the LCCC Information Technology Department as an exciting opportunity to continue learning about the ever-changing world of IT while being able to apply what I learned from my education.” Along with working alongside accommodating and resourceful staff members, he appreciates LCCC for helping him succeed both academically and in his IT career.

Myra Handwerk, ’86
Program: A.A.S. in Office Systems Technology
Current Title: Office Assistant (Academic Services)
Years Employed: 43
“I never thought I would go to college,” says Myra Handwerk. She couldn’t have guessed that LCCC would become not only the start of her educational journey, but also “like a home.” Initially starting as a student worker, Handwerk served in many positions across the college over the years. She’s been able to work with many different people in many different disciplines. She credits LCCC for making her the person she is today. “As the college grew, so did I, learning many new things and expanding out into the world.” Her favorite thing about the college is the opportunities it offers to students beginning their careers. “I’m glad I can be a part of that.”

Ginny Hertzog, ’21
Program: A.A. in Communication
Current Title: Communications, Scheduling and Office Assistant (Registration and Student Records)
Years Employed: 19.5
Ginny Hertzog was an employee of LCCC well before she became a student. “As an employee,” she says, “I took advantage of the free tuition over the years, taking classes that interested me.” When she decided to focus on a degree program, she chose communication to benefit her current role. She plans to continue to work at LCCC because of “the people I work with. Having good people surrounding you helps you get out of bed every morning.” Beyond providing a meaningful work life, Hertzog says she owes LCCC for the affordable education it offers herself and her family. “I did not know how long I would work here back in 2004, but I found that it is a beautiful place to come to work every day.”

Josephine Felton, ’23
Program: A.A. in Fine Arts / Studio Arts
Current title: Internship Coordinator (Career Development Center)
Years Employed: 2
Josephine Felton knew LCCC was the right choice to begin a career change and pursue something she was passionate about. Originally studying fashion design, she eventually found a love for the fine arts. “I am currently taking psychology courses here,” she says. She plans to transfer to Cedar Crest College next fall to pursue a bachelor’s degree in art therapy. Felton says LCCC enabled her to finance her way through college. “I obtained a student worker position in the Financial Aid Office. I felt at home with everyone there, and I applied for the open position of Financial Aid Assistant.” She then worked as a Clinical Secretary for the Nursing Department before finding her current home as Internship Coordinator. In reflecting on her time at LCCC and all the opportunities she’s been able to take advantage of, she says, “You can create a path for yourself here and own it.”

Trisha Nardone, ’14
Program: A.A. in General Studies
Current Title: Career Readiness Specialist (Career Development Center)
Years Employed: 1.5
When Trisha Nardone decided to attend college as a non-traditional student, she couldn’t have expected to find not only a welcoming community, but also many lifelong friends, colleagues and her husband. “As a student, I gained so much confidence at LCCC,” she says. Working as a peer mentor and a writing tutor instilled a love for teaching in her. She transferred to Cedar Crest College after LCCC, earning her B.A. in English before then attending Lehigh University to both earn her M.A. in English and serve as a Teaching Fellow. “I knew I wanted to teach at LCCC so that I could impact students’ lives, just like my LCCC professors impacted mine.” In addition to teaching, Nardone loves working with students in the Career Development Center. “We have worked hard to make our space open and welcoming to students. They frequently stop in just to talk, hang out or study. They bring so much life and excitement to our day-to-day work.”

Daniel Melin, ’20
Program: A.A. in Communication
Current Title: Content Developer and Social Media Specialist (College Relations)
Years Employed: 1.5
Currently working towards his M.F.A. in Popular Fiction Writing and Publishing through Emerson College, Daniel Melin got his start in writing as a student in the Honors Scholars Program at LCCC. He notes, “LCCC provided me not only with foundational knowledge in my field, but also a career-jumping point through which I’ve made so many important connections.” After graduating from LCCC, Melin transferred to Kutztown University where he earned a B.A. in English/Professional Writing. Managing the college’s social media accounts allows Melin the opportunity to interact with current students on a daily basis where he can both share his experience as an alumnus and employee, “Our students bring such innovation and creativity to their respective industries, and it excites me to know they will take that same spark with them out into the workforce, or first to a transfer school. I love being able to represent that aspect of LCCC through our digital communications.”

Elizabeth Rivera, ’12
Program: A.A.S. in Early Childhood Education
Current Title: Community Resources and Basic Needs Specialist (Community Resources)
Years Employed: 14
As Elizabeth Rivera puts it, “I decided to utilize what I learned here to help other LCCC students.” As a young mother of four starting out, she says LCCC gave her the flexibility to both pursue an education and be there for her children. The college also enabled her to further her education at Albright College, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in organizational behavior. She then earned her master’s degree in organizational management / project management from the University of Arizona. As she developed professionally, she took on several roles, such as working in the Admissions and Counseling Offices. “What I like about LCCC is the opportunity we offer to help individuals grow by taking steps towards their goals.” Rivera thanks LCCC for playing a significant role in her growth and development. “My time here both as a student and employee has opened my eyes to see a world of opportunity.”

Debbie Hankee Romig, ’75
Program: A.A.S. in Secretarial Science
Title before Retiring: Word Processing Specialist (Word Processing/Duplicating)
Years Employed: 45 (Retired)
“I never left!” says Debbie Romig. After completing her degree program at LCCC, she landed a position in the newly founded Word Processing/Duplicating Department. Now, 45 years later, she reflects on her career with joy. “I worked with the best colleagues, and I love to type. When I was a student, I joined Phi Beta Lambda, where I participated in a typing competition against other Pennsylvania community colleges.” Romig’s experience as a student sparked a love for word processing and gave her “the opportunity to grow my interest and truly enjoy my career path to its fullest.” Over the years, she’s had the opportunity to take noncredit classes, become a member of the Tri-Cees Choral Group, partake in multiple fundraising events and graduations. “These are memories I would not have gotten anywhere but here.”

Peter Sabino, ’17, ’18
Programs: A.A. in Music/Sound Production, A.A. in Fine Arts / Studio Arts
Current Title: Digital Media and Design Lab Instructional Aide (Media and Communications)
Years Employed: 4
With initial aspirations to become an illustrator, Peter Sabino completed two associate degrees at LCCC. After transferring to Kutztown University for a time, he made his way back to LCCC to manage the media lab. “I like the job itself,” he says. “It lets me stretch a lot of my creative muscles, allowing me to work on audio production, fine arts, digital arts, computer technology, video production, live broadcasts and a ton of other stuff that is really engaging for me.” In addition, Sabino likes working with supportive and collaborative staff members. “To say LCCC has been a huge part of my life would be a massive understatement.” He thanks the college for allowing him the opportunity to create long-lasting professional connections, as well as many friends.
Jill Yapsuga, ’05
Program: A.A. in Communication
Current Title: Director of Marketing and Digital Media (College Relations)
Years Employed: 4
Jill Yapsuga remembers how difficult it was when she graduated high school, which is one of the many reasons she loves what she does. “Coming to LCCC as a student helped me figure out my interests,” she says. “Being able to return here as staff and market the college to a new generation of students is so rewarding.” Yapsuga transferred to DeSales University after LCCC to earn her B.A. in TV/Film, then earned her M.S. in Interactive Media from Quinnipiac University. She worked as a video producer and writer for a decade before entering higher education, initially as an adjunct instructor. “I actually came back to LCCC as an adjunct and, as luck would have it, there was an opening in College Relations.” Above all else, she loves working with other staff members, who she says are all kind and collaborative. Yapsuga remains strong in her roots as well, producing and directing short films, some of which have earned her several Greater Lehigh Valley Ad Club and Telly Awards, as well as two Mid-Atlantic Emmy Award nominations. Her current animated short film will screen at the 2024 Southside Film Festival in Bethlehem.