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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for College Students

Some students may be eligible to apply for SNAP benefits. We provide answers to some frequently asked questions and additional information about applying.  

Cougar Cabinet Food Pantry

LCCC is recognized as a Pennsylvania Hunger-Free Campus by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. We provide an on-campus food pantry program, the “Cougar Cabinet,” to our students, staff, and faculty who are experiencing food insecurity or may need supplemental food options or personal care items.  

Through funding from the LCCC Foundationand the United Wayand in partnership with the Second Harvest Food Bank, you can receive food items once a  week to supplement your food supply. All visits are free and confidential. You do not need to provide any documentation of need, but will need to have an LCCC ID card and complete a declaration form, which is available at the pantry. 


  • Main campus (Schnecksville) – Berrier Hall,
    Contact: or 610-799-1087
  • Donley Center (Allentown) – lower level Student Lounge
    Contact: or 610-799-1948
  • Cougar Cabinet at LCCC Tamaqua – room 203, Morgan Center
    Contact: or 570-668-6880

All members of the LCCC community are welcome to visit the cabinet once a week. Hours are subject to change each semester due to staff availability.

Community Resources

In addition to our Cougar Cabinet Food Pantry, you can connect with our community resources and basic needs specialist. Our specialist will actively assist you in connecting and navigating college resources and community agencies to secure the assistance. 

Community resources include:

Food Resources

In addition to the Cougar Cabinet Food Pantry, the following food resources are available to members of our community. 

Homelessness Resources

Child Care Resources

LCCC KEYS (Keystone Education Yields Success)
LCCC KEYS is a grant funded educational program that allows qualified students to receive additional services and support while completing their degree at LCCC. These supports may include assistance with books and supplies, childcare, and transportation. To be eligible for the LCCC KEYS program, you must be a SNAP or TANF recipient. If you are not a SNAP or TANF recipient and would like to apply you can do so at Compass. If you are a SNAP or TANF recipient, you should complete and submit the brief questionnaire on the LCCC KEYS program webpage.

Child Care Works Subsidized Child Care Program
Child Care Works Subsidized Child Care Program is designed to enable low-income families to maintain employment while ensuring children receive high quality child care. The Child Care Works (CCW) program is a non-entitlement benefit made available through Federal and State funds.

Community Services for Children
Community Services for Children offers two preschool options Head Start and Pre-K Counts. They also have an Early Head Start program for infants to the age of three years

Office of Child Development and Early Learning 
Find early learning resources at the Community Services for Children Early Learning Resource Center.

Compass Childcare Provider Search
Compass Childcare Provider Search can help with finding a childcare provider. The Lehigh Valley Center for Children (LVCC) provides early education and child care. Visit the following organizations for additional information on funding: LVCC Child Care Works and LVCC Scholarship Fund.

The Lehigh Valley Center for Children provides early education and child care. The following links have information on LVCC Child Care Works and Lehigh Valley Children’s Centers Scholarship Fund.

Transportation Resources

Utility Resources

Contact Us

For more information, please contact Elizabeth Rivera, Community Resources and Basic Needs Specialist, at erivera1@lccc.eduor 610-799-1087.