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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Student Groups

Veterans Club

The club will ensure that veterans, active duty personnel and reservists are receiving all benefits entitled to them. It will provide a fellowship of likeminded individuals in order to create a network of students and successful alumni.

Advisors: Peter McElroy,


An honor society for service members. Students must meet certain criteria to be selected for induction in SALUTE:

  • Be currently enrolled as a student.
  • Qualify as military/veteran student under locally derived and maintained definitions. Applicant must submit a DD-214 Member 4 copy that displays the character of service (honorable discharge). Applicants currently serving on active duty or in the Guard or Reserves must submit a copy of orders for their current duty assignment.
  • Have a GPA of at least 3.00, not rounded, with a minimum of 12 course credits completed.
  • Maintain the highest ethical standards.

Students eligible for SALUTE will be contacted annually. The chapter councilor at LCCC is the Assistant Director of Registration and Student Records.